Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Mission

"I have a mission for you, Agent." He said, smiling as he slid the files across the desk. I lifted an eyebrow, what this time? I opened the folder and saw that the only contents were a sheet of paper and a bulging envelope. I opened the envelope and out fell hundreds of photos, hurting people were pictured by the dozens, the envelope was still filled with photos, there had to be thousands, millions even! Each one pictured a single person, some young and some old, there were fat or thin, tall or short, every sort of person you could imagine. Overwhelmed, I put the photos down and reached for the paper on it was a map of the world. each country had a red dot on it. I looked up at the King, confused, "I don't get it, what do you want me to do?"
"My children, they're all lost and weary. I want you to go to them and tell them about me, go and spread the news that my Son is returning and they can finally come Home." Tears filled his eyes as he spoke. The King's eyes showed His love for His children. "I love them all so much, I can't bear to see them so lost, I need you to go and show them My love."

This is the Mission I have received from the King. I am to be the special forces team, taking the Good News to the corners of the earth. My current Mission is the Nation of Honduras. I have heard straight from the King that my future holds many more Missions, including The Ukraine and Ireland, but my focus right now is Honduras. I know it won't be easy, but there are hundreds of hurting people who don't know how much the King loves and treasures them. They don't know what a great inheritance they have waiting for them in Heaven. My Mission is to tell them, my Mission is to help them through serving and reaching out to them. What's your Mission?

- Agent Caite

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

August is Finally Over!

August. For me it is typically the longest month of the year. It is my belief that this is because Summer is winding down, (if it hasn't crashed and burned yet...) but the classes and events haven't started back up yet, so it's basically limbo for me. It's by no means Summer, but it's not quite Autumn. All that to say, I am rejoicing that it has finally ended and I can get some resemblance of sanity in my life again...

On another note, Camp NaNoWriMo, well let's just say it is dead to me. I tried, I really did, but my novel, not to mention the idea at all, wasn't holding my attentions long enough to actually get anything done. So yeah. I had less than 1000 words. We'll just call it a fail and be done with it.

It has just dawned on me that you, my non-existant readers, don't want to sit there reading about my boring life. You want to talk about some world changing topic, like how to solve world hunger, or what the government should do about abortion... or cute cats. So that is what I shall bring you. Mostly. I shall try to post only about things that other people might care about instead of using this as a kind of diary of boring things. Also, I'm considering starting a blog about my cakes. Keep on the look out for that, as well as earth shaking topics to come.

- Caite

Monday, July 23, 2012

Also A Novel

So I was checking out because I'm a huge nerd, and I noticed something called Camp NaNoWriMo. Its basically the same thing as NaNoWriMo, but in the summer. So I signed up and started planning my novel. Heres the link to my profile, and it would be super if anyone who reads this blog (probably no one) could like, give me an encouraging word or something to help me get through this crazy month that approaches. The thing about Camp NaNoWriMo is you cant set your own goal if you're over 13, so I have a goal of 50,000 words. Thats a lot, but according to the site, if I write about 1,500 words a day I can do it. Yeah, so thats what I'll be doing next month, wish me luck!

Oh look! A handy dandy badge!

Doctor Who Fan-Fiction

This is something I write on the way home from my uncle's house, I hope you like it!

Our story begins with a young girl typing away at her laptop, trapped in her tower, telling stories of knights and dragons and damsels in distress. Hardly no one knows who she is, of course there are rumors about the tower in the forest behind the castle, but no is quite sure who lives there. That’s exactly how the king wants it; he wants no one to know about his illegitimate child locked away in the Foster Tower deep within the Blackwood Forest. Esperanza has known little else of life other than her tower and her laptop. She knows lots about the outside world, but she has never experienced it, she has only seen it through the screen of her laptop. Life to Esperanza is isolation. The only other faces she knows is her governess Daphne and her cook Helene. When Esperanza awakens to a strange noise outside her window her heart begins to race, maybe this is her chance to finally experience the world of her storybook characters, the world of adventure and beauty. Quickly pulling on her dressing gown, she rushed to the window and slowly pushed the shutters open. Peering down the side of the tower she saw a man stepping out of a strange blue box. He looked around and shrunk back into his box. She watched for a while before he emerged again, this time with two other people, a man and a woman. The woman had hair such as Esperanza had never seen, it was a lovely shade of orangey red, it intrigued Esperanza to no end. They took in the forest and the tower for a few moments before the first man rushed up to the tower and pointed a strange rod at it was he a wizard? Was he going to burn down the tower with Esperanza in it?
“No please don’t!” Esperanza shouted down at him. “Please keep your magic to yourself!”
They started at the sudden words. “Where is that coming from?” The tall man said.
“Show yourself!” The woman said.
“I am here! In the tower!” Esperanza shouted down to them. All at once they turned at looked at her. All of them seemed a little surprised at her.
“A princess in a tower.” The first man said. “How storybook.”
Esperanza blushed. “I’m no princess, sir.”
The first man began running around the tower, closely followed by the tall man and the red haired woman. Within a few minutes they had run around the entire tower. “So!” the first man said with a sudden burst of enthusiasm as he turned to his companions. “There’s a girl stuck in a tower with no doors, it’s turning out to be a good day after all!”
What a strange thin to say, Esperanza thought.
“Maybe we’re supposed to ask her to let down her hair?” The tall man suggested.
“What good would that do?” the first man asked.
“You know, the fairytale? ‘Rapunzel! Rapunzel! Let down your hair!’” The red haired woman said.
“All those human fairytales, I can’t keep track.”  The first man said. “Maybe there’s a lever or something around here.” He started to search the area, looking under leaves and such.
“Esperanza rested her chin in her hands and leaned on the window sill. “If I were you I’d have a mind to ask the inhabitants of the tower how to enter.”
They looked up at her again. “Okay then, how do we get in?” The red haired woman asked.
“You simply ask.” Esperanza said. She then proceeded to say the words in the ancient tongue that commanded the stones to do your bidding and the stones opened up at the bottom of the tower. The three strangers looked at each other and a silent agreement seemed to pass between them. Together they stepped into the tower. Esperanza began running her fingers through her hair and smoothing her nightgown. She could hear the strangers making their way up the stairs and around the sleeping dog that lay on the steps. As they reached the top, Esperanza slid the hatch open on the door. “This door, I’m afraid, I cannot open. If I could I’d have left years ago.”
“Well let me see what I can do.” The first man said, taking out his rod again. Terror struck Esperanza’s heart. “Please sir! Don’t use any dark magic here!”
“Dark magic? What dark- oh… This isn’t magic, it’s just a sonic screwdriver… That probably makes no sense to you. Hmmm… Think of a master key that will unlock anything.” He said. “Its nothing like that, but think of a key, if it helps. Oh and I’d step back if I were you.”
Confused, Esperanza took a few steps backwards and after a strange buzzing sound the door swung open. “How did you do that? Nothing but my father’s words can open that door.”
“Nothing but your father’s words and me.” The first man said. “So, why are you in this tower?”
“Before I tell you, I’d like to know who has entered my tower so easily.” Esperanza crossed her arms.
“Oh! So sorry, I’m the Doctor and this is Amy and Rory.” The first man motioned to his companions.

I'll post more at a later date.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Failure of The Most Epic Proportions

Yeah, I totally failed when it came to NaNoWriMo. I didn't even come remotely close to my goal. I procrastinated way too much and my head almost exploded when I tried to write anything legible. So yes, I lost. I might as well accept that I may only ever win NaNoWriMo once. I have a few ideas buzzing around my head for new novels, one invloving the kidnapping of the teens of North America and another being fan-fiction for a few different books. Hopefully I'll be able to keep this need-to-write attitude long enough to get at least the former into a rough-draft like thing. Well, I'm sure this is borning you please, enjoy this photo of a cute baby eating cake

(this is my cousin on her first birthday)

Now isnt that adorable? Anyway, now that we are sufficently off subject, let us switch subjects.
I hope to start vlogging soon, I have become so desperate that I have decided not to wait till I can afford a camera and just use my iPod touch to record till I have said camera. The only hinderance being that I have almost nothing to talk to the dear YouTubers about. I have a few ideas bubbling in my mind, but I must compose them into a thought before I turn the camera on. So all that to say, look out for a post about videos soon...ish.

Look at me still typing when they'res sleeping to do.
well, I hope you enjoyed reading of my various thoughts and musings and looking at the adorable baby eating cake!


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Chapter Two: The First Glimpse

            In the blackness around him Aidan could feel nothing, nothing but the hand inside his. A voice seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere all at once.
“We’re in between.”
Aidan tried to speak but no sound was made.
“We’re almost there.” The voice said.
There was a tingling all over his body, it felt like he was being pulled from all sides, figures danced before his eyes and nothing seemed to stay still. Then it was all over. He stood in a dark hallway with Sonia. The walls seemed lifetimes away and the only thing visible was a door, a simple, brown door.
“All you have to do is open it.” Sonia whispered.
Aidan grabbed the cold metal knob on the door and turned it. On the other side was a beautifully decorated room. Tapestries were draped on the walls and a sparkling chandelier hung from the ceiling above them. The doors at the end of the corridor swung open as they approached, revealing a whimsical town. The houses were of every shape and size, some long rectangles and some stout spheres. The people milling about were as dissimilar to each other as their houses, some had oddly colored hair or skin and others were as plain as a plot of dirt. Together Sonia and Aidan walked down the main street. Shops on either side of the street were opening, some sold bread or groceries, but some sold more thrilling things, like mermaid scales and pet dragons. Everything was new and exciting, how was he supposed to take it all in?
“What are we going to do?” Aidan asked excitedly.
“We should visit Olaf first, he has some supplies for us. His shop is right up there.” Sonia pointed to a cylindrically shaped building.
Inside they found a stocky man with an overly large nose. He greeted them with a large smile. “Sonia! To what do I owe this pleasant visit?”
“I’m here to pick up the supplies you had for me and Aidan.”
“What supplies?” Olaf scratched his head thoughtfully.
“Remember? The supplies you put together for us?” Sonia tried to jog his memory.
“I’m not following you.” Olaf said.
Sonia sighed. From the door behind the counter emerged a tall thin boy with shaggy red hair. “Hello, Sonia. Here for the supplies, I suppose?”
“Yes, Milo.” Sonia was relieved that someone had remembered the supplies.
Milo turned back into the room behind the counter and began rummaging around. Aidan looked around him, the store seemed to be suspended between the past and the future. The wood paneling and old-fashioned barrels of sugar and flour suggested 19th Century America, but the sleek telephone and high tech computer on the counter shouted futuristic spaceship. The whole place seemed to be a collection of contradictions. Soon Milo emerged with two black backpacks. Milo handed one to Sonia and one to Aidan.
“Inside you’ll find enough food to feed the two of you for three days, a first aid kit, a flashlight for each of you, three star candles and a change of clothes for both of you. I packed an extra bag just in case, well, um, just in case you wanted to, um…” Milo stuttered.
“Would you like to come with us, Milo?” Sonia asked.
“Yes.” He answered quickly. “I mean, sure, if it’s okay with you.”
“Of course it is, Milo.” Sonia laughed. “Now, lets get going.”

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Chapter One: A Stranger At The Back Door

(here is chapter one of my NaNoWriMo novel)

Aidan opened the door to find a strange girl reading a magazine on his couch. Upon his entering she turned and smiled plastically.
“Hello, Aidan, my name is Rachel.” She said.
“Hi Rachel.” Aidan walked past her and to the kitchen. Aidan was used to things like this, every day his mom hired a babysitter to watch him and his sister while she worked over time. Every day a new sitter would treat him like a five year old till his mom came in the door and dished out the cash. By the time she got home, Aidan usually had eaten dinner, had a bath and watched more Playhouse Disney than one would ever want to in one’s life time. Aidan would then be promptly sent to bed, because there would be school tomorrow, because, ‘a good education sets you up for success.’ As his mother says.
            Aidan pulled open the fridge and peered inside. A half eaten banana and two cups of yogurt lay on the shelf at his eye level. Aidan hated yogurt. Ever since he ate spoiled yogurt in kindergarten he has despised yogurt. He grabbed the banana and began eating it as he walked down the hall to the bedroom he shared with his sister.
“Aidan, Lydia is sleeping in there.” Rachel came up behind him. “Let’s go to the living room and watch some TV, k?”
Aidan sighed and followed her back to the living room. As Aidan watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for the seventh time that day he heard a gentle laughter coming from behind him. He turned and saw only Rachel, engrossed in the TV. He shrugged and returned his eyes to the television. Again he heard the playful laughter accompanied by a knock on the back door. Aidan stood up and walked around the couch to the back door. Another knock sounded when he reached the door. Rachel didn’t seem to notice the knocking at all. Aidan turned the knob and pulled the door open slowly, on the other side of the door was a little girl of about six. Aidan stood unsure what to say.
“Hello, my name is Sonia.” She said cheerily.
“Hi, I’m Aidan.” He said shyly.
“Aidan, what are you doing?” Rachel asked.
“I’m talking to Sonia.” Aidan said.
“Who?” Rachel turned.
“She can’t see me.” Sonia pushed a little of her long white hair from her face.
“Why not?” Aidan asked, looking at Rachel.
“Because she doesn’t believe anymore.” Sonia shook her head sadly. “Now, we must go before the door closes.”
“What door?” Aidan looked around, all the doors in the house were closed, except the back door, which he still held open.
“The door to Paxis.” Sonia’s eyes sparkled as she said the name. She took his hand and pulled him outside.
“I’m going to play outside, Rachel!” He shouted as they ran into the yard. Sonia led Aidan to the tree on the edge of their lot.
“The door to Paxis is on the other side of the fence.” Sonia explained. “We have to climb the tree to get over the fence.”
Sonia began scaling the tree; within a few moments she was at the top, beckoning Aidan to follow.
“Are you sure its okay?” Aidan asked.
“Its fine, I promise!” Sonia called from the top.
Aidan looked up into the pale green leaves of the tree, it was really tall, what if he fell?
“Come on!” She called again.
Aidan shook the fear from his body and began climbing. Higher and higher he went till finally he sat on the branch beside Sonia’s. The view was spectacular, everything seemed so far away, his mom’s job that took way too much time, his dad’s anger that made him leave, nothing seemed to matter anymore.
“See down there? That’s the door to Paxis.” Sonia pointed to the ground below them. Aidan was shocked to see that instead of grass and dirt, there was a hole in the ground. “The only way in is to jump.” Sonia took his hand. “Will you come with me?”
“What about my mom, and my sister?”
“They’ll be right here waiting when you come back.”
Aidan thought about it, he could get away from his problems for a little while and come right back whenever he wanted to. But what would his mother say? She wouldn’t care. Aidan hardened. She never cares enough to even tuck me in at night. She hasn’t once said ‘I love you’ since dad left. He thought.
Aidan gripped Sonia’s hand tighter. His heart began racing. He took a deep breath, and jumped.